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Published Date: August 25, 2018

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Purposeful, active living. Creating a legacy. Being loved and loving.

Getting older with resilience is far more about being functional, vibrant, and joyful physically, mentally, and spiritually than it is about discomfort, separation, and loss. Mindful stewardship of body, mind, and spirit allows us to respond to changes and challenges and remain connected to loved ones who love us, especially our Creator. This Christian primary care physician’s perspective on and prescription for aging well draws on current medical and cognitive science and 50 years of practicing the art of medicine. Learn to recognize and affirm your relationship with God and worth as God’s child as you understand the critical components to “whole care” of human life.

John D. Eckrich, M.D.

“John”John D. Eckrich, M.D. is a Christian physician and founder of Grace Place Wellness Ministries—a retreat-based organization that teaches wellness life practices to encourage joy, vibrancy, and longevity in ministry professions. As a board certified internist and gastroenterologist for over 40 years, he brings a unique perspective on the stewardship of the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.

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Reviews (10)

10 Reviews

  1. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    All of us grow old; this is simply an inescapable fact of life. For most of us, this realization starts to hit in our forties when things previously done effortlessly are no longer so effortless. Dr. Eckrich guides the reader on a practical and thoughtful path to discover how critical resiliency is in our later years. The topic of resiliency is all the rage in psychology, psychiatry, and the behavioral sciences; however, this book is unique. In addition to discussing the physical nature of resiliency, Dr. Eckrich also addresses the emotional and spiritual aspects from a Christian theological perspective, emphasizing that resiliency is quintessentially tied into our connection with God. It is a thoughtful and thought-provoking book that supplies practical and spiritual help in developing resilience in the “next season.”
    Charles R. Conway, MD
    Professor of Psychiatry
    Washington University School of Medicine
    Director, Washington University Treatment-Resistant Depression Clinic

  2. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    Aging is a given. Resilient aging is not. Dr. Eckrich shines light on the path to live our last decades with health and grace.
    Rev. Dr. Robert DeWetter
    Senior Pastor Snowmass Chapel
    Episcopal Priest and Clinical Psychologist

  3. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    This book reads like the owner’s manual for a full, healthy, resilient life! Beginning with the Creator’s plan for full, healthy, and perfect life, Dr. Eckrich takes us past the Fall into sin and into the life we can choose while we are still on this side of heaven where full health will be restored. Dr. Eckrich points out that the way to actually thrive is to have a vibrant faith life, healthy relationships, wise physical choices—and it doesn’t hurt to eat foods that are good for you! You’ll return to this helpful, practical book again and again to understand how the human body ages, what you can do in the midst of those changes, and the secrets of resiliency. Dr. Eckrich faithfully affirms that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
    Ruth Koch, MA, NCC
    Mental Health Educator
    Women’s and Family’s Issues Author and Lecturer

  4. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    There are two requisites for wellness: one physical, the other spiritual. We can readily understand how a physician of many years can speak to the physical. But Dr. Eckrich speaks with authority to the spiritual as well. And he doesn’t simply leave it as an encouragement to invite the Creator into our lives. He gives compelling evidence as to how that relationship improves our lives as we make our way into the next season of life and eternity. Dr. Eckrich emboldens us not only to conquer life, but also to conquer death in Christ as well. Oh, yes, and he touches on how to “do” retirement well too. He pretty much covers the essentials for aging resiliently!
    Ty Dodge
    Chairman Emeritus, Realty South
    Elder, Briarwood Presbyterian Church (PCA)
    Lay counselor, Bible teacher

  5. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    The aging process can be depressing and distressing, or it can be full of new experiences and new ways of serving God. This is the refreshing insight of Dr. Eckrich who, as a medical doctor and also a student of the Bible, puts together a map of “resilient aging.” Through this excellent book, he gives insight into how the Christian can remain responsive to changing environments throughout the aging process. Key to his thinking is the necessity of the soul to remain connected to Christ. This fundamental identity is the “set point” in the homeostatic systems of the soul that leads to resilient aging. His Bible quotation says it all: “So we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16) The key is living a life of purpose, a life of movement, a life of nutritious eating, and a life with good relationships in community and family. There is no retirement as a Christian, only repositioning to continue to serve God well!
    Rev. Dr. David Ludwig
    Clergyman and Professor of Psychology
    Lenore Rhyne University, Hickory, NC

  6. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    Dr. Eckrich takes us on a resilient journey through the aging process by sharing his experiences and knowledge as a person of God, medical doctor, family man, and trainer of others. He shows us how we can celebrate God’s gift of aging every day! The book brings a fresh meaning to the word “resilient” by emphasizing how we can adapt to the various changes and life tasks that we all face in positive and creative ways. This is not a textbook of medical terms and research but rather a gift for the reader to use to navigate through a life of wellness and, yes, of course, resilience. Here’s to “resilient aging” in the Lord!”
    Dr. Rich Bimler
    Ambassador of Health, Hope, and Aging (AH-HA!)
    Ministry Consultant

  7. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    We’re living longer and how! Can’t argue with the how of these substantive, well-documented aging facts. We can ignore them, but they’ll remind us in the morning! Dr. Eckrich teaches how our aches and pains are countered with gains. He prescribes a perspective to adapt downturns of mind, body, and soul into bouncebackability! These pages ponder “pause and pivot of the soul,” as well as the abs that are in and tightening the skin! Such optimism springs from decades as an internist, facing life and death issues with patients, and from personal experience. His contagious hope is founded on the proven track record of the Creator of Life whose gift of resiliency is yours for the asking. You were made for such a time, such an age as this! Turn the page and dive in to “older but wiser!” Or as Eckrich puts it, “into overcoming the gene pool” even if we’re swimming upstream!
    Phyllis Wallace
    Host, Syndicated Christian Women’s Talk Show “Woman to Woman”
    Speaker, Author

  8. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    As the president of a leading senior living housing and services provider in the United States, I was captivated by the way that Dr. Eckrich connected all the dots in the aging process. He helps readers understand how the way they live impacts the aging process physically, mentally, and spiritually. This book provides a nice balance of practical medical advice with a strong connection to spiritual values. This information can not only prolong your life but also improve your quality of life in the aging process.
    John Kotovsky
    President and CEO
    Lutheran Senior Services

  9. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    As I get older, I notice changes in my body, in my thinking, in my disposition. As I change, I sometimes experience excitement and anticipation, but as of late I more often become unsettled and sometimes apprehensive. As a physician and as a believer in Jesus Christ, Dr. Eckrich explores the ways I am aging based on his years of the medical care of others and his experience as a devout reader of Scripture. This book explains my experiences of growing older from the perspectives of both the physician’s eyes and the eyes of faith. This is a perceptive and insightful guide and reference work for caregivers and for care receivers and especially for us who are not getting any younger.
    Rev. Dr. Robert Kolb
    Professor of Systematic Theology, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, MO

  10. Admin
    AdminAugust 25, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    Resilient Aging is a must read for Baby Boomers, Gen Xr’s, Millennials and/or just about anyone with a desire to peer into your future and create and build a positive image and a future healthy life. Physical and/or cognitive frailty are not ubiquitous but occur way too often in our present generation of older adults. You now have an opportunity to open up the door with keys to success in the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors and the screening and managing common age-related diseases, all while enhancing your spiritual and psychological inner self. Dr. Eckrich has carefully crafted a number of chapters that will keep you up to date on the latest way to honor your temple (your body) and your mind. A must read!
    David B. Carr, MD
    Washington University School of Medicine
    Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Professor of Geriatric Medicine
    Professor of Medicine and Neurology
    Clinical Director
    Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science

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