“When I became a pastor, one of my most important priorities became introducing people to the most basic and critical teachings of the Christian faith and life.”
Paul Schult, author
How can you possibly understand all that the Bible teaches? Getting to Know Jesus connects the dots between knowing the right Bible answers and having a real relationship with Jesus Christ. The story and teachings of the Bible are designed to lead and connect you to Jesus – the Son of God. The book draws on the author’s personal experience as a pastor by presenting:
- A clear understanding of how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
- A user-friendly explanation of six core teachings of the Bible
- Practical ways to talk about your faith in Jesus with family and friends
Getting to Know Jesus will help you discover a deeper meaning in worship, prayer, Bible study, and personal devotions and be more deeply connected to Jesus. Ideal for new Christians, new church members, or small groups.
Paul Schult
Paul Schult attended Concordia University in Chicago, Illinois. After teaching two years of English and coaching basketball, he decided to become a pastor to help people know Jesus. He earned a Master of Divinity at Concordia Seminary and currently pastors a Lutheran church in California. Paul and his wife, Beth, enjoy communicating the deep truths of the Bible in simple ways and love being in ministry together. They have five children.
“I’ve known Paul Schult for ten years, and I can promise you that by reading this book, you’ll see a reflection of his heart as a pastor. More importantly, you’ll see a reflection of the heart of God. Getting to know Jesus isn’t something you do once or even five times. It’s a lifelong relationship, and this book will serve as an instrument for you, no matter what stage of that relationship you’re in.”
Mark Rouland, Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church, Harvester, MO
I have admired Paul as a pastor, teacher, and leader for the past fifteen years while doing life and ministry together. Now, I am so pleased to admire my friend as author. Nobody gets to the heart of the matter quite like Paul. God has blessed him with the gift of making the complex simple, and in so doing, wonderful! This book zeroes in on the ultimate area of life that matters most—knowing Jesus!
Chuck Schlie, Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church, Weldon Spring, MO
I’ve had the opportunity to use this resource three times to teach adult confirmation. I intend on using it more. Why? It connects the head of faith with the heart of faith! Pastor Schult rightly reminds the reader that being a Christian means more than having the right answers. It’s about being in an active, ongoing relationship with the Lord. Using the Six Chief Parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, Pastor Schult clearly demonstrates these Biblical truths in a way 21st Century Americans will easily understand. This book is a great resource and long overdue!
Jason Auringer, Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wentzville, MO
I’ve known and admired Paul Schult for fifteen years as his friend and consultant. Getting to Know Jesus is a superb book. In explaining theology from a highly relational and practical perspective, Paul has taken a subject that is too often overly academic and made it accessible to the average person. I hope this book reaches a large audience, as it certainly deserves it!
Kevin Graham Ford, Principal of TAG Consulting, and author of The Secret Sauce: Creating a Winning Culture
Paul Schult brings profound Christian doctrine alive with practical, down-to-earth pastoral insight. Getting to Know Jesus is relevant and readable—a great new tool to teach and share the Gospel.
Ted Laesch, Senior Pastor, Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO
As a psychologist, I have spent a lifetime attempting to understand and to mend relationships. As Paul Schult has stated in his excellent book, relationship is the essence of life. Paul goes on to describe the foundational relationship that each of us, either today or sometime in the future, must establish and nurture—the relationship with Jesus. Reading this will greatly assist everyone, no matter where they currently are in the journey with Jesus. I highly recommend it.
Dr. James Osterhaus, Senior Partner, TAG Consulting, Fairfax, VA
Disciples seek to get to know Jesus better each day of their life on earth. This book is a terrific step in the journey for the infant and mature disciple alike. I found this book helped me grow in the core teachings of the Bible and strengthened my faith in the love of Jesus that is shared within these pages.
Greg Griffith, Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Macomb, MI
Once in a great while, a book comes along and makes things make sense. Getting to Know Jesus is such a book. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand who Jesus is and why he wants a relationship with all people. If you are looking for fresh material for your adult confirmation class, or you just want to make the understanding of doctrine more personal for you and your learners, this book is for you. After reading these pages you will come to know Jesus and his desire for you to “live in a deep, genuine, life-giving, and personal relationship” with him.
Joel Koerschen, Executive Director of Education, CNH District, LCMS
Pastor Schult does a fantastic job in sharing the truths of God’s love in a simple and straightforward way. This book would be very helpful to people who are introducing a loved one to the Christian faith. The personal reflection questions at the end of each chapter compel the reader not to pass a quiz on content, but to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly. This book is a homerun and I joyfully recommend it.
Tim Klinkenberg, Pastor, St. John Lutheran, Orange, CA
Paul has given a fresh framework of relationship for the core teachings of the faith. His contrasts, pithy turns of phrase and jewels of quotes are worth your time. As a pastor who himself prays to know Jesus better and help others to do so, this a fresh tool in that God-designed calling.
Jeff Schrank, Pastor, Phoenix, AZ
Getting to Know Jesus helps the reader see Luther’s Catechism in a fresh and exciting way—focused on a God that loves us and seeks to restore us in our relationship with our creator. Drawing on lessons learned from daily life and from modern scholars as well, the book makes deep theological concepts accessible to all. Finally there is a book about the Catechism I can highly recommend to my whole congregation!
Mark Schulz, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL
Pastor Paul Schult is a pastor’s pastor—relational to the core with a firm commitment to the enduring truth of God’s Word and its applicability to everyday life. This “little handbook” for transmitting those truths to the next generation should find a welcome place in any congregation trying to find the right marriage of doctrine and pastoral care in adult discipleship.
Scott Seidler, Pastor, Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood, MO
Knowing about Jesus is good, but knowing Jesus is the real gift. Rev. Paul Schult gives us a refreshing and faithful pathway for knowing Jesus better via the treasures of the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism. Using rich relational language and analogies, Paul brings correct doctrine to life and helps us embrace and apply it to everyday life.
Greg Finke, Dwelling 1:14
Outstanding! Paul has given us a wonderful tool for helping understand the six chief parts of Luther’s Catechism from the framework of a relationship with Jesus. I love it! Getting to Know Jesus is easy to read and uses simple, contemporary concepts! It is definitely a tool that we will use within the ministry of Concordia. Thank you, Paul!
Bill Tucker, Sr. Pastor, Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX
This book reads like a conversation. It anticipates questions. Makes you glad you were about to ask. And offers keen biblical insight. I couldn’t help feeling like I was sitting with a trusted friend over a cup of coffee who was ready to tell a story or answer a question to help me. I recommend this book to anyone on the journey or to anyone helping others on the journey of Getting to Know Jesus.
Pastor Jock Ficken, Executive Director, Pastoral Leadership Institute, Wheaton, IL