“Go and make disciples.” These words of Jesus are as scary as they are inspiring.
Somehow a myth has grown up around discipling. We have come to believe that discipling is so complex, so scholarly, so beyond the ability of simple Christians that only biblical scholars and spiritual superheroes should attempt it.
But this myth stands in sharp contrast to what we see Jesus actually doing in the gospels.
The way Jesus disciples people is simple and results in unschooled, ordinary followers participating in the mission of the Father and discipling others to do the same. Joining Jesus—Show Me How will help you regain the clarity and simplicity of how Jesus disciples people in the gospels so that you can disciple your children, friends, neighbors or fellow church members to get up, follow Jesus and join him on his mission, too.
Greg Finke
Greg and Susan Finke founded Dwelling 1:14 to help Jesus-followers connect in their neighborhoods, workplaces and schools for discipling and missional living. They offer coaching, consulting and training experiences for congregations and their leaders in discipling, living missionally and multiplying missional communities. Greg and Susan enjoy life as neighborhood missionaries in League City, Texas.
This book clarifies and simplifies our understanding of the disciple-making process. Jesus does the hard work that only the Son of God can do, and he invites us to join him in the process of showing the people of God how to participate in the mission of God as a daily lifestyle. And it’s simple! This book has inspired me!
—Bob Fossum, Director of Family Ministry, Northwest District, LCMS
Growing up in the “system,” I was immersed in Scripture and taught the Church’s doctrines, practices and traditions. But no one ever taught me how to disciple someone else. Joining Jesus—Show Me How will help anyone who had been blessed by the Gospel to begin discipling others to live in this hope that we have in Jesus.
—Mike Zimmer, Mission Facilitator, Northern Illinois District, LCMS
Simple. That is what Greg is saying. It is simple. Making disciples of Jesus is simply doing what Jesus did: calling others to you, teaching them the basics, showing them how to live those basics with others and then releasing them to do the same. Use this book with your community to begin the exciting process of becoming disciple-making disciples.
—Rev. Paul Mueller, PhD Missiology; Executive Director, Center for Applied Lutheran Leadership, Concordia University-Portland, OR
Greg Finke has captured a sense of the heart of God that inspires and helps focus the disciple’s life. By articulating the simple truth that “God wants his world (and his people) back,” Greg sets our minds and hearts on a mission that is God’s mission.
—Rev. Dr. Paul Linnemann, President of the Northwest District LCMS
Discipling got ya stumped? No more, friend. The “how” is here. Welcome to how-land! Greg has us howling one minute—he’s funny—and hopping on board the next. His signature calm and adventuresome spirit pull us into playing “Follow the Leader’ with Jesus. Greg’s approach is so simple and appealing I can read it on Monday and do it on Tuesday!
—Phyllis Wallace, writer, broadcaster and former host of the “Woman to Woman” radio show
Greg reminds us about Jesus’ great invitation to follow him and to learn the simple but powerful art of discipling others. This is where a Gospel movement begins and how God’s heart’s desire of salvation is satisfied. Greg gives a huge dose of grace for the discipling journey!
—Michael W. Newman, author of Gospel DNA: Five Markers of a Flourishing Church
As Christians we are privileged to live in the midst of the Second Reformation. The First Reformation gave the Word to the people, but the Ministry has remained primarily in the control of the clergy. Today both Word and Ministry are being given to the people. How? By simply making first-century disciples of Jesus in the 21st century. Greg Finke’s two books have become for me the most clear and powerful books to take part in this Second Reformation. I heartily encourage their reading.
—Rev. Dr. Paul Borg, Indianapolis, IN
Discipling has become a buzzword that seems all but impossible to fulfill, like a skill reserved for the ultra-talented keynote speaker you pay to see at a conference. This book dashes that misconception! Greg has a way of cutting through the conference clutter and taking you back to the heart of biblical discipleship. It rips discipleship out of the clutches of another cliché conference and puts it back into the hands of the everyday Christian in a way that leaves you saying, I could actually do that! If you are a pastor or ministry leader, this is more than just a great resource for your people; it is a great resource for you. This book is a reminder of how simple discipling was always meant to be.
—Matt Peeples, Pastor, Speaker, and Church Plant Trainer for the New Jersey District of the LCMS.
As Greg Finke points out, most Christians are trained to “come and sit.” Come and sit in worship…in class…in meetings, etc. Most leaders feel fortunate when 20%-30% of the congregation actually does come and sit on Sundays. “Come and sit” does not release the baptized people of God to be the missionaries where they live, work and play. Greg Finke is raising the bar. Sounding the alarm. Pointing the way. All with a smile in his heart and an invitation on his lips. We highly recommend this book!
—Gail and Jock Ficken, PLI Executive Leaders
My dear brother and friend has once again inspired me with this new book. It is a beautiful successor to Joining Jesus on His Mission and gives a much needed, foundational understanding of what we now get to do as freely-saved disciples of Christ. It is a must for every Bible Study, small group and especially new member or introduction to Christianity class. Let the adventure begin!
—Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier, President, The Michigan District, LCMS
Greg beautifully communicates how we live out those two words spoken by Jesus: “Follow me.” Following Jesus isn’t easy, and I don’t think it was intended to be. However, this book gives clarity and direction to those who seek to follow him. Greg’s words get us moving. They pick us up and encourage us for the adventure ahead. After reading this book, I felt refreshed and ready, not only to lead, but also to walk alongside others in this mission.
—Tanner Olson, spoken word poet and creator of
Greg has the uncanny ability to make the act of discipleship understandable and practical. Thanks, Greg, for another great reminder of how to live out my calling.
—Dr. Donald Christian, President and Chief Executive Officer, Concordia University Texas
Greg’s book embodies Jesus’ pattern for disciple-making by laying out a biblical, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, doable and reproducible way to help others to become more like Jesus, join Jesus on his mission and lead others to do the same. I devoured his book and am already fine-tuning my following of Christ as a result. What a gift and treasure this book will be to all those seeking to make disciples.
—Dr. Scott Rische, PLI International
Starting with Jesus as our example, Greg rips the act of discipling from solely the professional ranks and empowers the average Christian to live out this calling. I would encourage you to accept the invitation to join Jesus in discipling everyday missionaries!
—Kurt Buchholz, President and CEO, Lutheran Hour Ministries
In an approach not only biblical but practical and accessible for every Christian, Greg takes us back to an ancient method much needed in the clamor of today’s busyness. Having recommended Greg’s initial outing, I’m glad to see this hands-on sequel!
—Bill Woolsey, Executive Director and President, The Five Two Network
In his first book, Greg Finke dared to say that Jesus is alive and well and working in and through relationships in the world. In his long-awaited follow up book, he shows us how to disciple one another so that others can see what a life of following Jesus looks like.
—Heather Choate Davis, author, theologian and co-founder of icktank
Greg and Susan Finke write what they live. Joining Jesus—Show Me How will encourage, enlighten and enable you to show others how to follow Jesus.
—Jeff Meyer, PLI Missional Leader; Lead Navigator, Auxano
Jesus directed his disciples to replicate themselves by making disciples. But how? Greg Finke provides sound insights and heartfelt encouragement to guide everyday disciples toward this calling, all by directing us to Jesus and his gracious gift of guidance.
—Dr. David J. Peter, Chairman of the Department of Practical Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
What I love about this book is that it begins and ends with Jesus: mimicking his moves, trusting his words and following his lead to help you fold those you love into a life of seeking after God’s kingdom activity. Joining Jesus—Show Me How is an essential handbook for learning what it truly means to disciple others, not just because of its great clarity and practicality but also because it takes you by the hand and walks you alongside the Savior.
—Matt Popovits, Pastor, Our Saviour, New York City; author of Tough Call: A Little Book on Making Big Decisions
In a time when everyone is calling for more effective discipling, Greg Finke actually shows us how to do it. Greg brings clarity and simplicity to the how-to of discipling people to be everyday missionaries. If your church strategy includes disciple making, read this book!
—Will Mancini, Founder of Younique, author of God Dreams
For those of us who need help with “Follow me!” we now have “Show Me How.” This is really good work by Greg. He just has a way of putting truth on the bottom shelf for easy reach. This how-to is great for personal or group consumption. I know I plan to do both!
—Reggie McNeal, author of Get Off Your Donkey! and Kingdom Come
At its core, discipleship is the art of imitation. In the first-century Galilee, a time and place where discipleship flourished, a disciple learned how to experience the love of God and navigate through life by having someone show them how it’s done. Greg Finke has captured this authentic spirit of discipleship in a very practical and succinct format that is sure to help individuals, and from there, even whole congregations, return to the Hebraic way of showing and imitating.
—Dr. Chad Yeshayahu Foster, Messianic Rabbi Columbus, Indiana